We know ourselves only as far as we’ve been tested.
I tell you this from my unknown heart.
Wisława Szymborska

I am a
For over thirty years I’ve counseled individuals, couples, and families with big, complicated challenges. I have steady nerves, clear vision, unrelenting optimism that people can grow through their worst crises, and heart.
I am a
My passion for helping, counseling, and social work is so great, I teach others about it. After teaching graduate students for seventeen years, I now offer continuing education to professionals in non-profit, mental health, and other healthcare settings, training on trauma-informed care, supervision practices, and the ethics of helping.
Strong @ the
Broken Places
Ernest Hemingway said, “The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places.” I have a career-long passion for helping people in the helping professions explore the impact of workplace overwhelm, the cumulative, transformative impact of working with people facing extreme adversities, and ways to expand professional insight and resilience.
Continuing Education
Love Is Not Pie: Helping Clients Navigate Consensual Nonmonogamy
April 4, 2025
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
All relationships present opportunities for imagination, creative adaptation, and mindful improvisation. This scenario-driven workshop draws on contemporary neuroscience and attachment research, as well as the collective practice wisdom of participants, to improve therapists’ confidence and competence when working with clients in consensually nonmonogamous arrangements. Building on existing models of emotionally focused family therapy, the workshop focuses on maximizing the satisfactions of multiple attachments while also becoming more attuned to threats implicit in these arrangements and strategies clients can use to avoid or neutralize them. What understandings or agreements can help clients achieve the right balance of connection and protection when loving against the grain?
6 CEUs
What Poets Can Tell Social Workers About Resilience
April 1, 2025
12 – 1:30pm
Straddling National Social Work Month (March) and National Poetry Month (April), on April 1, 2025, Wayne Scott, MA, LCSW, MFA, writer and psychotherapist, is offering a webinar to fortify and inspire all mental health practitioners in the age of overwhelm.
So often for social workers helping vulnerable clients, our bodies, minds, and spirits experience a range of troubling feelings– numbness, dissociation, anger, and sadness. When they are not named and shared, the feelings can lead to an emotional flatness, somatic shut down, and burnout. Helping professionals are accustomed to seek guidance through clinical research and the social sciences, which speak analytically and deterministically from the left hemisphere of our brains, but what if we turned also to the wisdom of poets, who draw from the right hemisphere of the brain?
1.5 CEUs